samedi 1 septembre 2018


" Dear all, 

It has been a real pleasure/ challenge/ adventure to be coordinator of Tanma this year but I now have memories for life!

Audrey, Tanma's newest coordinator arrived a couple of weeks ago and I am sure you will love working with her. I did not get the chance to explain her all the details of Tanma and our various projects as I had dengue for the last two weeks, so do not hesitate to explain your relationship with Tanma when you will meet with her! I hope that you will keep on working with us in the future, we need your support more than ever! 

I wish you all the very best for your next projects and in life. Thank you so much for your support throughout the year. It has been a great honor for me to be part of this organization. You can contact me on my personal address at

Kind regards, 

Margaux Marchal
Volunteer Coordinator
Tanma Federation
Federating refugee women fairtrade projects "
Visit our showroom in Pudu (on demand)
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AUDREY remplace maintenant Margaux.
N'hésitez pas à la contacter au 016 958 77 82

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